The Town of Drammen contracts with the City of Mondovi for Fire Protection to meet the requirements set by the Wis. Stat. s. 60.55.
SECTION 8.2 ACCESS: It is understood by all parties that there shall be no expectation of service if:
- Road conditions do not permit safe travel or access by emergency vehicles;
- Driveways and private roads:
- Are not configured to a proper width to permit access by emergency vehicles;
- Do not have necessary clearances for access of emergency vehicles;
- Do not have supporting structures such as bridges or culverts strong enough to support access for emergency vehicles;
- Are not provided with turnarounds; or
- Are not maintained in a proper condition to provide for the safe passage or maneuvering of emergency vehicles.
- Weather conditions do not permit the passage of emergency vehicles;
- The TOWN and CITY will assume no liability if a Fire Apparatus becomes stuck or damaged due to access to a site failure and cannot appropriately respond to the Call for Service due to Acts of God, road closures, or any other unforeseen and unavoidable obstacle.
- The TOWN will notify the CITY of all known road construction projects and their possible timelines for response information.
Below is a breakdown of the Calls for Service fees effective January 1, 2025:
- Below is a breakdown of the Calls for Service fees effective January 1, 2025:
1 $400 $495 $895
2 $800 $990 $1,790
3 $1,200 $1,485 $2,685
4 $1,600 $1,980 $3,580
5 $2,000 $2,475 $4,475
6 $2,400 $2,970 $5,370
7 $2,800 $3,465 $6,265
8 $3,200 $3,960 $7,160
9 $3,600 $4,455 $8,055
10 $4,000 $4,950 $8,950
Other notes of consideration:
- Minimum Fire Equipment charge is $400 for the first hour or part thereof. After the first hour, the charge will be $400 for each additional hour or part thereof.
- The Fire Chief will determine when emergency status can be changed to standby status.
- A standby charge for the Fire Equipment will be $50.00 per hour per vehicle and the charge for standby Firefighters will be $15.00 per hour per Firefighter.
- Minimum charge for Firefighters is $495.00 for the first hour or part thereof. After the first hour, the charge will also be $495.00 for each additional hour or part thereof.
- If water is taken from the City Water System, an additional charge of $60.00 per tank of Water delivered to the Fire will be charged.
- Foam will be charged $65 per 5-gallons.
Burning permits may be obtained by:
- Calling a board member
- Calling 715-926-4423. This will connect you to the Buffalo County Sheriff’s Department. Please have the following to give them.
- Address
- Time of Burning
- Phone number
- Calling 715-495-6708 Mondovi Fire Chief, Greg Bauer.
There are Permitted burning signs available at the Town Hall. Please call 715-926-3870 to arrange for pickup. Signs are recommended if burning within a mile of HWY 37.
Having permission to burn, in no way lessens your liability if your fire gets out of control resulting in a call to the Fire Department or for damage to neighboring property.
Open Burning – Burning of grass, leaves, brush, etc. by permit only. An attendant must be present until the fire is quenched or burned out to where no smoke is present.
Closed Burning – Closed burning periods will be announced by the town board during prolonged dry periods. Absolutely no burning during closed periods.
Incinerators, Garbage barrels - Burning only in an incinerator, with ½ inch or less wire mesh covering the entire top of the burner. No permit required.
Outdoor Cooking – No permit required for outdoor fireplaces used for cooking.
The above rules and regulations have been drawn up for your own protection. Fines of $100.00 may be imposed on anyone not complying with these rules and regulations, plus all costs of suppression, property damage and liabilities.
Whereas, 1993 Wisconsin Act 532 authorizes towns to charge property owners a portion of all the costs of fire protection,
Whereas, it is in the public interest of the Town of Drammen to charge the costs of such protection to property owners,
Now therefore, the Town of Drammen does ordain as follows:
Pursuant to Section 60.55, 60.555 and 60.557 of Wisconsin Statutes, the Town of Drammen, Eau Claire County hereby establishes the following property and procedure for the payment of fire costs incurred by the Town of Drammen.
The property owners of real estate and personal property which is used within the Town of Drammen for which fire protection is provided, shall be responsible for the full cost of fire runs made to their property. It is the policy of the Town of Drammen to contract with the fire department of the City of Mondovi. In cases of a careless act not by the property owner, charges will be determined the Town of Drammen Board.
The cost of fire calls as outlined above shall be billed by the town clerk to the property owner and paid to the town treasurer within 60 days of the date of the bill. The failure to pay the bill within 60 days will result in interest being charged at the rate of 1 ½ percent per month from the date of the billing. Those bills remaining outstanding, including interest, for more than 90 days as of November 1 of any year, shall become a lien against real estate from which fire protection was provided and shall be placed on the tax roll as a delinquent special charge pursuant to the Section 66.60 of Wisconsin Statutes.
Burning Permit Information – Burning Permits may be obtained by calling a current board member and by calling the following phone numbers – Mondovi Fire Dept 715-926-4901 and the Fire Chief – 715-495-2805. No burning on Sundays and from Midnight to 8:00 A.M. in incinerators, garbage barrels or open burning. All fires must be attended while an open flame exists.
May 8, 2017
Edward Risler, Chairman
Mark Zuber, Clerk