New Illegal Dumping Ordinance

A new Illegal Dumping Ordinance has been approved and enacted in the Town of Drammen.  The following is a synopsis of the ordinance.

General Provisions

It shall be illegal for any person to illegally dump any material into the Waste and Recycling Bins located at the Drammen Town Hall Garbage and Recycling Center.

It shall be illegal for any person to dump any legal material into the Waste Bins located at the Drammen Town Hall Garbage and Recycling Center outside of posted collection hours.

The registered owner of any vehicle involved will be responsible for any violations as captured by installed surveillance systems.

Any person violating this section will be responsible for costs associated with proper disposal of the materials.


Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a Fine of One Hundred Dollars ($100) and shall also be liable for the expense of removal of any illegally deposited material that is contrary to this ordinance.  Any person who shall violate any provision of this ordinance for a second time shall be subject to a Fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250) and shall also be liable for the expense of removal of any illegally deposited material that is contrary to this ordinance.