Annual Report


For fiscal year ending December 31, 2023


Town of Drammen


Edward Risler, Chairman

Joe Becker & Jeff Larson, Supervisors

Donna Lampman, Treasurer

Mark Zuber, Clerk

Required by 60.33(4) of Wisconsin Statutes



2022 Taxes Collected in 2023


County Taxes………………..382,270.63

Town Taxes……………….  131,296.26

Mondovi Schools……..……811,387.00

Eau Claire Schools…………….2328.00

CV Technical College……….66414.62


               SUBTOTAL…. $1,393,696.51


School levy Tax Credit……$138,049.70

Lottery & Gaming Credit…. $60,847.85

First Dollar Credit……….…$26,871.77


Total Taxes Collected….$1,167,927.19








Annual Meeting will be held on

Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM

at the Drammen Town Hall


For further info go to Town Website







The following information has been provided to the Town of Drammen residents for their information. 


Visit the Town of Drammen Website at “”



Your elected state and federal representatives are as follows:


Rep. Derrick Van Orden             Senator Ron Johnson                    Senator Tammy Baldwin

1513 Longworth House               328 Hart Senate Office Bldg          709 Hart Senate Office Building

Office Building                                Washington DC 20510                    Washington DC 20510
Washington, D.C. 20515


Phone: (202) 225-5506                202-224-5323                                   202- 224-5653

Warren Petryk                                    Jeff Smith

93rd Assembly                                     State Senator District 31

608-266-0660                                     608-266-8546


Fire Protection:


The following may be a concern for fire protection within the town.


SECTION 8.2 ACCESS: It is understood by all parties that there shall be no expectation of service if:

  1. Road conditions do not permit safe travel or access by emergency vehicles;
  2. Driveways and private roads:
    1. Are not configured to a proper width to permit access by emergency vehicles;
    2. Do not have necessary clearances for access of emergency vehicles;
    3. Do not have supporting structures such as bridges or culverts strong enough to support access for emergency vehicles;
    4. Are not provided with turnarounds; or
    5. Are not maintained in a proper condition to provide for the safe passage or maneuvering of emergency vehicles.
  3. Weather conditions do not permit the passage of emergency vehicles;
  4. The TOWN and CITY will assume no liability if a Fire Apparatus becomes stuck or damaged due to access to a site failure and cannot appropriately respond to the Call for Service due to Acts of God, road closures, or any other unforeseen and unavoidable obstacle.
  5. The TOWN will notify the CITY of all known road construction projects and their possible timelines for response information.


Address Signs:


Address signs are being replaced with new sign design.  The replacement will take at least 3 years.  We are currently in the second year of the process.



Recycling Center Hours:


    Saturdays – 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.

    Wednesday – 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. (FROM April 15th to Sept 15th)


Appliance Disposal – For more information on disposing air conditioners, clothes washer and dryer, dish washers, freezers, ovens, stoves, water heaters furnaces and computers call 715-833-2005 First Choice located at

525 Park Ridge Court, Eau Claire WI 54703.


Town Services Available: Call 926-3870 (leave message with phone number)

   Snow Plowing of Driveways – $35.00 per time

   Sanding of Driveways – $35.00 per time with less than ½ cubic yard of sand. If more

   sand is used additional charges will occur.

   Grading is billed at $50.00 per hour


Town of Drammen – Burning Permit Information


Burning Permit Information – Burning Permits may be obtained by calling a current board member and by calling the following phone numbers – Mondovi Fire Dept 715-926-4423 and the Fire Chief – 715-495-2805. No burning from Midnight to 8:00 A.M. in incinerators, garbage barrels or open burning. There will no longer be burning on Sundays.

Open Burning – Burning of grass, leaves, brush, etc. by permit only. An attendant must be present until the fire is quenched or burned out to where no smoke is present.

Closed Burning – Closed burning periods will be announced by the town board during prolonged dry periods. Absolutely no burning during closed periods.

Incinerators, Garbage barrels –    Burning only in an incinerator, with ½ inch or less wire mesh covering the entire top of the burner. No permit required.

Outdoor Cooking – No permit required for outdoor fireplaces used for cooking.


The above rules and regulations have been drawn up for your own protection.  Fines of $100.00 may be imposed on anyone not complying with these rules and regulations, plus all costs of suppression, property damage and liabilities. 


Having permission to burn, in no way lessens your liability if your fire gets out of control resulting in a call to the Fire Department or for damage to neighboring property.

                                                                                    Drammen Town Board









New building project?  Make sure to obtain the correct County permits!

If you are planning on new construction on your property make sure to have the correct County permits! It may be confusing on what types of permits you will need for certain projects but being prepared ahead of time will save you money in the long run. Any questions regarding what types of permits you will need please contact Eau Claire County Zoning Inspector at (715)-839-1660.



Line Fences:

There are certain rules when it comes to line fences in the Town of Drammen.  These are covered in the state statutes Chapter 90.  As the town becomes more urban it is important for property owners to understand their responsibilities.  As this is not the complete listing of the law which affects line fences, it is a beginning.


  1. When is a fence required? WI Stat 90.03 requires a fence whenever a piece of property is used for farming or for grazing purposes.  Whenever a fence is used for farming or grazing then the neighboring property owners must erect and maintain a fence in equal shares (even if you don’t own any livestock).
  2. The general rule for fence ownership is to stand on your land and face the fence the part on the right hand side is your property to be maintained.


Dogs Running At Large:

Dogs running at large are becoming a major problem which the Board has to deal with.  It is the dog’s owner who is responsible for a dog off of the owner’s property.  According to the ordinance the dog should have current vaccinations and a dog license purchased from the Town Treasurer.  If your dog is running at large and is caught it would be taken to the Eau Claire Humane Society (715-839-4747).  Appropriate fines may also be levied.




Ed Risler           Chairman        715-926-3521

Jeff Larson        Supervisor 1   715-225-2788

Joe Becker          Supervisor 2  715-926-3769

Donna Lampman Treasurer    715-878-4619

Mark Zuber        Clerk             715-287-4747


For financial report go to Government go to Agendas and minutes